InnoCal NIST-Traceable Calibrations; Light Meters, Visible

Representative image only.
InnoCal Item # RK-17101-44
Calibration ensures the accuracy of your new or already-owned visible light (400 to 760 nm) meter
  • NIST-traceable light meter calibration report — 0 to 20,000 lux for 1" diameter sensors, or 0 to 9000 lux for 2" diameter sensors
  • Add calibration to your new light meter purchase for right-out-the-box confidence
  • 1 year warranty

$394.87CAD / Each
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Specifications & Description

  • Calibration TypeEnvironmental Monitoring
  • System Calibration (Instrument and Probe)Yes
  • Number Of Calibration Test Points5 Points
  • Calibration Test PointsAcross the Range
  • Calibration Test Range0 to 20,000 lux
  • DescriptionNIST-Traceable Calibraton; Lightmeters (visible)
  • Warranty1 year
1 Year Warranty

Key Features

  • NIST-traceable light meter calibration report — 0 to 20,000 lux for 1" diameter sensors, or 0 to 9000 lux for 2" diameter sensors
  • Add calibration to your new light meter purchase for right-out-the-box confidence
  • 1 year warranty

More About this Item

All calibration certificates contain as-found and as-left data, estimated measurement uncertainties (emu’s) and test uncertainty ratios (TUR’s) at no additional cost!
NIST-traceable calibration allows you to confirm that the specific asset you purchase does in fact meet the manufacturer’s published specification. Receive your product calibrated and ready to use rather than sending it to a third-party or internal calibration lab and incurring additional delays. EPA, USDA, ISO and GLP/GMPs standards require regular NIST-Traceable calibration of all test equipment being used in critical applications.
Measurements reported on our reports are traceable to SI units via national standards maintained by NIST and are performed in compliance with MIL-STD-45662A, ANSI/NCSL Z540-1-1994, Appendix B, ISO9002-94, and ISO/IEC 17025:2005. The results stated in our reports relate only to the items tested or calibrated. Calibration reports issued by InnoCal may not be reproduced, except in full, without written permission of InnoCal.

We can calibrate most makes and models of light meters including AEMC, Amprobe, Extech, Konica Minolta, Lutron, and Sper Scientific, from 0 to 1000 foot candles or 0 to 20,000 lux. Our standard is housed in a state-of-the-art light meter calibration laboratory - designed to provide the light-controlled conditions needed for the most accurate assessment of your luminance meter.




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