InnoCal A2LA ISO17025 Accredited Calibration; pH Tester or Pen

Representative image only.
InnoCal Item # RK-17500-97
Services that ensure the accuracy of your pH Measurement instrumentation


$247.53CAD / Each


Specifications & Description

  • Calibration TypeA2LA ISO17025 Accredited Liquid Testing
  • System Calibration (Instrument and Probe)Yes
  • Number Of Calibration Test Points3 pH Points, 1 Temperature Point
  • Calibration Test Points4, 7, 10 pH values, 25 C
  • Calibration Test Range4 to 10 pH
  • DescriptionA2LA ISO17025 Accredited Calibration; pH Tester or Pen

More About this Item

Regulatory and quality agencies like FDA and EPA have strict guidelines for the determination and control of pH. Maintain your compliance with the help of InnoCal. We can calibrate new instrument purchases from Cole-Parmer, recalibrate your existing instruments, and provide maintenance and repair services.

InnoCal’s metrologists can service most any brand of pH, conductivity, or dissolved oxygen meter including Oakton Instruments, accumet, Fisher Brand, Mettler-Toledo, YSI, WTW, Horiba, Hanna Instruments, Thermo Scientific Orion, VWR SympHony, and others.




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