New ZeptoMetrix® Flu/RSV/SARS-CoV-2 External Run Control is Now Available for Order


Buffalo, NY, August 29, 2022 — The recently launched ZeptoMetrix® NATtrol™ external run control for Flu/RSV/SARS-CoV-2: NATFRC-ERC is now available for order and any pre-orders will be filled and shipped. This third-party molecular quality control can be used by laboratories to monitor the continued performance of their multiplexed respiratory assays. With target concentrations of 15,000 cp/mL for all four analytes, the launch of NATFRC-ERC represents an exciting addition to the ZeptoMetrix respiratory product line.

“The flu season is here. It’s our top priority to make sure laboratories are equipped with the materials needed to accurately detect and differentiate the most common respiratory infections,” said Evangeline Gonzalez, Vice President/General Manager of ZeptoMetrix.

Adding this external run control to the ZeptoMetrix portfolio expands a line of easy-to-use, refrigerated, inactivated whole organism controls designed to quickly and safely assure that testing instruments are providing accurate results.

As laboratories continue to adapt to meet the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, ZeptoMetrix is assisting with its broad portfolio of quality control materials including not only respiratory controls but also Women’s Health, Gastrointestinal, and Healthcare-Associated Infections.

Get more information on the respiratory controls and associated products at